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Buy Now Search gives you the advantage that you need, to snap up those fixed price* bargains on eBay including:

Buy Now Search also includes local, postal (zip) code based, search features.

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Android and Kindle Fire App

An Android App enabling you to register with Buy Now Search and manage your free search is available (this cannot be used with the enhanced, paid for, account).

Android app on Google Play
QR code for Android app on Google Play

It is also available for Android and Kindle Fire from the Amazon Appstore.

Android and Kindle Fire App on Amazon Appstore
QR code for Android and Kindle Fire App on Amazon Appstore

* fixed price items are items that are listed with a fixed price - such as Buy it Now, Basic Fixed-Price, Store Inventory, Ad Format, and Classified Ad (Classified) listings. However, you will not be notified for Multi-variation items - these are excluded from our searches.

† We will send the email within three minutes of the item being listed on eBay (see this FAQ item), sometimes this is minutes before the item can actually be found on eBay. The time that you receive emails that we send to you, depends upon the speed with which a) email is processed by your provider, b) your email software picks up and displays new mail, c) availability of your email provider's DNS records, etc.

‡ Our searches differ from searches on the eBay sites. Read our FAQ for more information.

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